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Дата останнього оновлення: 14.01.2024

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24.01.2024 13:22
Український освітній центр реформ

Senior Program Development Officer Vacancy

Center for Ukrainian Reform Education (CURE) seeks Senior Program Development Officer for the USAID-funded Ukraine Reform Education Program (UREP)


* Higher education.
* Good knowledge of Ukrainian current democratic, economic, and social development as well as major reform initiatives. Ability to absorb large amounts of information, analyze and accurately report them.
* Extensive knowledge of Ukrainian government agencies, NGO and private sector leaders, media and donor organizations.
* Ability to work collaboratively in teams and effectively coordinate with partners.
* Strong strategic planning skills; advanced analytical skills; excellent leadership, managerial, organizational and interpersonal skills.
* Excellent written and oral communications skills. Ability to produce concise, accurate and substantive documentation in English under tight deadlines
* Experience with design, management and evaluation of international projects and/or experience related to organizational development is a major plus.
* Fluency in written and spoken English, Ukrainian and Russian.
* Strong computer skills.


* Conducts analysis, research, planning, design, monitoring and evaluation of public awareness programs.
* Continually assesses the broad spectrum of reform initiatives in Ukraine and defines the critical areas in which public awareness will be needed, CURE's services and programs will be in demand. Reform areas include but are not limited to: administrative and municipal reforms; agriculture reform; anti-corruption; business development; corporate governance; fiscal reform; social sector restructuring, including health and pension reforms; voter education.
* Establishes and maintains strong working relationships with national and local government agencies, private sector, NGOs, media, USAID implementing partners and other donors in order to understand reform issues, identify perceived gaps in public awareness and define appropriate UREP program interventions.
* Advises CURE senior management on public information programs that best suit the issues at hand. Provides substantive input to activity design, setting goals

for each initiative and establishing means of measuring the effectiveness and impact of a reform education campaign. Drafts reports on results and challenges.

* Provides recommendations to CURE management on UREP strategic planning: identifies strategic niches and partners; drafts strategic objectives and action plans to meet those objectives; develops proposals for new program interventions; designs and delivers public presentations and briefing documents.

Interested candidates should send their resumes and cover letters in English and Ukrainian by e-mail at for more information.


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